Monday, March 30, 2015

Unexpected Habits

Just an expression, you may call it a thought, art, greatful moment, or a revelation time, it doesn't really matter.

Life keeps going, no matter how drunk you wake up in the morning, no matter how hard you party the night before, no matter if you don't drink and just live in the moment.

Have you stopped and look at your surroundings? Well, this is the thing, if you do, you will notice that there is employment, unemployment, working people, beggars, people driving around, just for fun, others commuting, bar tenders tending bars, people that will have an ocasional talk to you just because they came out of an interview that was just great! And those that just stand there and be friendly and social no matter the circumstances...

Social people, alone people, those that go out or don't, those around the world, everybody in a nudsheld gives us just a little bit more of the world we live in... And that is just life!